Miss Rodeo Iron County

Rodeo queen on a horse riding a horse.


The Miss Rodeo Iron County Pageant has been a tradition for decades, and the queen and attendants have the responsibilities to attend and support all of the Iron County Fair events throughout the year.

Miss Rodeo is a rigorous competition in many categories, such as horsemanship, moving cattle, speech, interview, modeling, impromptu speaking, and personality.

Some of the perks of being in the Rodeo Royalty are working with the crowds so they understand rodeo, herding cattle at the rodeos, judging contests during many of the Fair events, and the best part – signing autographs.

"In the rodeo family we all support one another, and the pageant really enhances that and gives the girls new opportunities. Rodeo is a part of the heritage of Iron County, and being a part of the pageant carries that tradition on, honors our past and our history."
- Danicka Marshall, 2011 Miss Rodeo Queen

Times and Dates

  • Thursday, May 9th
  • 2:00 - 6:00 PM
Online Application


Iron County Fairgrounds - Exhibit Building & Arena


Gail Harris: 435-817-1836

Miley DeGroff: 435-868-8120

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